Mulitple Connections

Idiorm now works with multiple conections. Most of the static functions work with an optional connection name as an extra parameter. For the ORM::configure method, this means that when passing connection strings for a new connection, the second parameter, which is typically omitted, should be null. In all cases, if a connection name is not provided, it defaults to ORM::DEFAULT_CONNECTION.

When chaining, once for_table() has been used in the chain, remaining calls in the chain use the correct connection.

// Default connection

// A named connection, where 'remote' is an arbitrary key name
ORM::configure('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=my_database', null, 'remote');
ORM::configure('username', 'database_user', 'remote');
ORM::configure('password', 'top_secret', 'remote');

// Using default connection
$person = ORM::for_table('person')->find_one(5);

// Using default connection, explicitly
$person = ORM::for_table('person', ORM::DEFAULT_CONNECTION)->find_one(5);

// Using named connection
$person = ORM::for_table('different_person', 'remote')->find_one(5);

Supported Methods

In each of these cases, the $connection_name parameter is optional, and is an arbitrary key identifying the named connection.

  • ORM::configure($key, $value, $connection_name)
  • ORM::for_table($table_name, $connection_name)
  • ORM::set_db($pdo, $connection_name)
  • ORM::get_db($connection_name)
  • ORM::raw_execute($query, $parameters, $connection_name)
  • ORM::get_last_query($connection_name)
  • ORM::get_query_log($connection_name)

Of these methods, only ORM::get_last_query($connection_name) does not fallback to the default connection when no connection name is passed. Instead, passing no connection name (or null) returns the most recent query on any connection.

// Using default connection, explicitly
$person = ORM::for_table('person')->find_one(5);

// Using named connection
$person = ORM::for_table('different_person', 'remote')->find_one(5);

// Last query on *any* connection
ORM::get_last_query(); // returns query on 'different_person' using 'remote'

// returns query on 'person' using default by passing in the connection name


  • There is no support for joins across connections
  • Multiple connections do not share configuration settings. This means if one connection has logging set to true and the other does not, only queries from the logged connection will be available via ORM::get_last_query() and ORM::get_query_log().
  • A new method has been added, ORM::get_connection_names(), which returns an array of connection names.
  • Caching should work with multiple connections (remember to turn caching on for each connection), but the unit tests are not robust. Please report any errors.

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